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Cultural Commentary Project

HR BLOCK-1-CCP Flyer.png
HR BLOCK-1-CCP Flyer.png
Installation View

Read. Create. Comment.

The CULTURAL COMMENTARY PROJECT  taps into a powerful, often underused tool: the public comment system. Every time laws are proposed, public comments are required to be considered—this is your chance to make your voice count. Whether it’s about local transit or national policy, your thoughts matter. By submitting your art as a comment, we can influence change and bring a fresh perspective to the table.

Artists have a unique way of seeing and interpreting the world, often uncovering ideas that policy experts may overlook. Now is your time to share those insights through art, words, sounds, and images—whatever form your creativity takes. Read more about this project on the WEAD Artist Magazine.

HR BLOCK-6-Personal Data.png
HR BLOCK-5-Conservation Practices.png
HR BLOCK-2-hr block composition.png
HR BLOCK-4-BIoChem.png
HR BLOCK-7-Installation View.png
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