A concept for a public artwork that will last for 100 years and measure climate change.

The proposed starts out in the form of a vertical X with each side containing 25 palettes built into the structure like a set of drawers. From the start of the sculpture the inside of each palette is not visible. On the winter solstice of each year one palette is opened and exposed to the environment. Throughout the year a random sample of environmental debris is collected such as pollen, dust, insects, bird prints and water. The eve of the following winter solstice the palette is sealed with a semi permanent glass and placed on display on a horizontal structure at eye level so that the audience can observe an archive of the environment for that year. Each year a new palette is opened and shifted to the top of the structure and the above actions take place. The cycle of moving palettes from the bottom to the top is four years. After 100 years all palettes will be laid out on the horizontal X platform completely changing the sculpture from a horizontal to vertical. The end result will be a comparison of the environmental debris in the same location and same height over 100 years. The contents can be opened and analyzed. The ideal location of the piece would be in a nature park area or an area with limited building.
Lead artist Danielle Siembiedaillustrations by Xiaoqing Jing and Danielle Siembieda
MEDIA: Bronze, industrial porous materials, steel, earthquake glass.
PUBLIC ART ASPECT: This concept design was originally created as a proposal for the San Jose Climate Clock Initiative. It is scalable and includes materials such as bronze, earthquake glass and durable materials.